
GenAI in K-12 Education Survey

Dear K-12 Colleague:
Welcome to Project Tomorrow's Speak Up Survey on the state of Generative AI in K-12 districts.  This special Speak Up Survey has been developed in partnership with Advanced Learning Partnerships (ALP). 

Project Tomorrow is a national education nonprofit organization that has been researching education trends and digital learning since 2003. Our research findings are regularly used by federal, state, and local policymakers to inform education policies and funding. Our reports are available at www.tomorrow.org

Thank you for sharing your ideas about Generative AI with us today.  This survey consists primarily of multiple-choice questions. There are a few open-ended questions for your narrative response. Please know that your responses are 100% confidential. I hope that you will be candid and comfortable in your responses. As with all of our Speak Up reporting, we will only share nationally aggregated data from this study. This survey should take you less than 14 minutes to complete.

Generative AI refers to a type of artificial intelligence technology that can create new content, such as text, images, or music, based on the patterns and information it has learned from existing data. For example, you use a tool like ChatGPT or Google Bard and ask it to act as a thought partner to help you tackle a current education problem you are facing. You use an image-generating tool (e.g., DALL-E) to create a professional image for a PowerPoint presentation on reading instruction. (source:  Advanced Learning Partners)

Thank you again for your participation in this national research effort. If you have any questions about this survey or our research, please contact us at speakup@tomorrow.org.   

Julie A. Evans, Ed.D.
Chief Executive Officer, Project Tomorrow
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